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Selectmen's Minutes May 28, 2002
May 28, 2002

PRESENT:  Theodore Bailey, Jeffrey Jordan, David Colbert, Heather Briggs


The minutes of May 21, 2002 were approved as written, signed and will be posted to our web page.


Subject: Road Agent Assistant, A J May

Grader will be tried out this week.

Horse Corner Road was mentioned and AJ is in the process of getting a confirmed date set for the preparation and for the paving of the road.

Subject: Police Chief, Patrick Clarke
Police Chief Clarke spoke of a drug seizure in Chichester and told that it would be on Channel 9 news.

Subject:   Tax Collector, Evelyn Pike

Property Tax Warrant signed.

Questioned deeding the unknown properties.  The Board approved.  Need to notify abutters.  Heather will look into the legalities for doing this properly.

The Board would like to register Glen Booth’s Deed.

Evelyn is going to start the deeding process for the Ann Flanders property.

Subject:  Gordon Jones

Gordon expressed his concerns with possible development Clifford Road.

Chairman Bailey told Gordon the statue, 231:22-a that covers some of the requirements to reclassify a road from a class VI to a class V.  In addition, let Gordon know that there are specifications for a sub-division road.

Gordon is interested to be on the Conservation Commission and for the commission to meet.  Heather will have the papers prepared for the Board Meeting on June 04, 2002.

Gordon stated that he has a forestry plan for his property.  He will bring it to the Selectmen’s office at a later date for review regarding the Current Use.

Subject: Bill Stevens
Bill brought in legal straight line drawing of the Davis Road.  He received a letter from Mr. Blackman’s attorney and gave the Board a copy.  

The Board requested Bill get the legal length of  Davis Road established before any work is started.

Subject: Board Discussion

The fire truck, Engine One, will have a notice in the paper for a sealed bid, with no minimum, and a close date of June 18.

The furnace may need to be replaced.  Heather will contact companies to give prices on this.

The renovations for the upstairs bathroom upgrading will be placed on hold until we are sure of the Boiler repair.

The Board reviewed Mr. Mullaney’s letter and it was decided that it was a Planning Board issue.  A letter will be sent to Mr. Mullaney to let him know.

Heather will complete the research on proper road name changes for the June 04, 2002 Board Meeting for the Board to review.
The Board has requested Mr. Goldman be contacted.  The Board will not authorize payment for communications with other attorney’s without PRIOR consent from Board.

The Board discussed the Road Agent position.

Respectfully submitted,

Theodore Bailey, Chairman

Jeffrey Jordan

David Colbert